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miercuri, 11 iunie 2008

Moldovan president meets with media executives

     CHISINAU.  June 11 (Interfax) - Moldovan President Vladimir Voronin
met with the heads of media organizations to hear what they have to say
about the conditions in which media organizations operate in the
"Moldova has chosen the path of reforms, which is impossible
without upholding democratic standards, in particulate freedom of the
media. The goal of this meeting is to discuss the situation and to
clarify what needs to be done for us to feel free," Voronin said opening
the meeting.
Speaking about freedom of the media in the country, the president
said that "there are twice as many media organizations that criticize
the authorities as those that are loyal to the ruling party."
Voronin asked media executives about Article 16 of the Moldovan
Civil Code, which deals with journalists' punishment for defamation.
"I think the punishment should be moral, rather than material.
Naturally, one must publish a retraction, apologize and provide the
opportunity to reply. But, as for material punishment, we should think
about it," the president said.
Some of the media executives backed the president, while others
criticized the opposition media. For example, editor of the Moldova
journal Boris Marian called for an article spelling out punishment "for
undermining the basis of sovereignty" in the Moldovan Criminal Code.
"We must stop publications that jeopardize our sovereignty. The
country will be ruined with the help of this opposition press if not
today then tomorrow," the journalist said.
Valentin Toderkan, the chairman of the Teleradio-Moldova public
broadcasting company, backed the idea and spoke in favor of "monitoring
some non-governmental organizations."

The president promised to study the proposals and initiate
amendments to Article 16 of the Moldovan Civil Code.

ar md

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